This invention relates to make food with the help of Exhaust Gases of Combustion Engine.Whenever the machine is turned on, Within 15 to 20 minutes the sufficient quantity of steam starts to work. The steam can be used to prepare the food . This machine prepare food with the help of steam FREE of COST. This machine is eco-friendly, affordable and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Indian Patent No. 234147
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Exhaust cooker machine installed on my scooter - A demonstration
Exhaust cooker connected with the exhaust of the engine.
Attachment of pressure cooker to steam outlet of heat exchanger.
Jets of Steam, which could be harnessed for variety of purposes including cooking or boiling .
Preparing rice from the steam produced by heat exchanger (lid open for a photo).
Preparing Coffee directly with steam.
Regulators maintain the steam , Here Indicator showing about 30psi of pressure, enough to cook
This invention relates to make food with the help of Exhaust Gases of vehicles (All Petrol and Diesel Vehicles).
I make a boiler machine which may be permanently fitted in between engine and silencer of the vehicle. This machine produces steam at the temperature of 125 degree Centigrade (approximately). But the food require to prepare 100 degree Centigrade for cooking. This machine starts work when the vehicle moves from one place to another place. Within 15 to 20 minutes the sufficient quantity of steam starts to do its works. The steam can be used to prepare the food (Rice, pulses, eggs, meat, tea, coffee and vegetable etc.). This machine can be used to produce distilled water for drinking and batteries and radiators of the vehicles .
This machine save the energy (LPG, wood, and kerosine oil etc.) This machine prepare food with the help of steam FREE of COST. When a person on his vehicle go from one place to another place steam will prepared within 15 to 20 minutes and it has no expenditure. This machine helps to save money and time and give steam cooked food which is more energetic for health.
Name of Inventor: Rakesh Chander
Indian Patent No: 234147
E-Mail ID - rakeshchr..at..yahoo.co.in
Phone: +91-9814162822(M), +91-01822-229447 (R)
Address: 1001-C, RCF Colony, Hussainpur/Kapurthala-144602
1.0 What is this?
1.1 This invention relates to an exhaust cooker for preparing food using exhaust flue gas from a vehicle. It comprises of
i) Flue gas regulator ( with at least one Inlet and two Outlets for passage of flue gases, covered with a lid and provided with a revolving handle which can be set for ON, OFF and medium position ) connected to outlet of an engine.
ii) Steam generator (with at least two drums in communication with each other : The lowest drum will be provided with a water outlet and top most drum should have at least one water inlet and 2 steam-Outlets regulated by corresponding value/ knob ).
iii) Steam pressure cooker.
1.2 The food can be cooked with direct application of steam. This cooker can also be used to produce distilled/ DM water for application of drinking and batteries of the vehicles. This time- saving device cooker is cost-effective, economical and eco-friendly and in a way also acts as an energy-conservator and is suitable to all geographical conditions of working and can be applied to all types of vehicles ( 2 Wheeler, Cars, Trains, Aero-planes, Tractors, Pump-sets, Portable Generator Set etc. ) working on either Petrol/ Kerosene. The principle and process for all these main equipments are same and only size of device will change according to power of engine The driver of vehicle can operate the position or fire gas regulator from control panel itself. There would be no need of spoon or Kadachi to mix, as the vibration of vehicle in its running position will ensure this necessity.
1.3 As the name implies, the waste heat of emitted flue gases of awakened engine of the vehicle is used for purpose of cooking food. This heat is used to convert raw-water into steam energy. At present if cooking is required in a running vehicle, LPG, Kerosene oil is kept which has potential hazard of fire.
1.4 Due to limited reserves of conventional energy sources. The efforts are being made to explore more and more alternative non-conventional (renewable) sources of energy and my innovation can also be a small but important contribution in this field of applies scientific research for ultimate benefit of Society. It epitomizes the basic concept, of “From waste to BEST” and “Small is beautiful”
2.0 How the idea struck:
We often tend to ignore little things and simple events of daily life. I work in Railways and see the movements of trains daily I used to wonder why this huge energy of exhaust fuel can be allowed to go untapped and in that process of rumination over such thoughts, the idea of Exhaust Cooker struck to me. And thus the dream of an Indian Railway worker (with almost NIL technical qualification) has moved ahead in zone of reality).
3.0 Potential area for Applications
- Need of tea/ food on long routes of driving (e.g. truck, goods train)
- Tea or Coffee-maker in motor cars.
- Relief to heavy-vehicle operator, in cold region/ climate
- Sterilization of syringes, bandages, cotton and other material in mobile Ambulance.
- Boiling of normal water (for use in bath / washing of clothes in running vehicles )
- Washing of infant milk-bottles ( in Passenger Train and Buses).
- Preservation of hot food in steam chest even after switching off the engine
- Manufacture of distilled water for use in Batteries of Vehicle
- Use by farmers by installation of device in their Tractors/ irrigation Pump-sets.
- In Luxury/ tourist buses of long (non-stop) run.
- It can be used in all types of generator sets e.g. generators fitted in trains & ships.
- Since no naked flame is used , military personnel can use it with great ease at the border areas, especially at night.
4.0 Benefits
- Relief by way of availability of food to Drivers/ occupants of vehicle in inclement weather conditions (Road blockage during snow-fall, land slides etc)
- Availability of Quality (Steam-cooked food) of choice: Low calories, more nutrients, Delicious , Hygienic and easily digestible.
- Conservation of energy : Recovery of waste heat
- Eco-friendly device : Recycling of exhaust flue gases and Clean technology
- Employment potential : Income-generation for small entrepreneurs
- Saving in money for users
- Zero-cost technique : Self-dependent and tension free system of cooking for vehicle drivers.
5.0 Feasibility (Prototype / Model):
By keeping in mind the velocity, temperature and pressure of the flue gases of the awakening engine/ started vehicle, I choose Bajaj Legent Scooters for live demonstration. It is 2000 model having one cylinder, four-stroke and 150 CC (BHP), two seater (including driver) and have unladen weight 112 kg. Petrol is used in the engine as a fuel and it is atmospheric air-cooled. The pressure cooker used is normally available but used pressure cooker is innovated and having capacity 1 ½ & 3 liter separately. The cooking equipment is fitted on the leveled floor of the scooters on the kick-starter side, secured firmly with the floor and outlet of the engine so that it does not get toppled during vehicle or engine vibrations/ on uneven path.
6.0 Credentials:
6.1 A Patent for 20 years has been granted for this invention (Patent No.234147 dated 6-5-2009) by controller of Patent ( Government of India) in accordance with the provisions of Patents Act 1970
6.2 Details of invention are available at internet.
a ) http://exhaustcooker.blogspot.com
b ) http://www.wipo.int./pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2007102170